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Two powerful body-based modalities to discover. Choose to do either one or dive deeply and double your experience.

Come and discover the wisdom that is held within your body with these two powerful modalities: TRE (Tension Release Exercise) and Inner Dance. Whilst very different modalities both rely on the fact that our bodies hold information that is often unknown to our conscious minds.

TRE (Trauma Release Exercise) is a cutting edge modality for releasing stress and tension from the body. TRE uses a set of simple exercises to activate the innate wisdom of our bodies to relieve tension- literally by shaking it out.

Benefits include feeling calmer and more peaceful, improved sleep, often chronic pains and aches are relieved.
To find out more about TRE:

Inner Dance is a powerful opportunity to dive deeply into your inner world; whilst music is played, participants lie down on the ground and surrender to whatever arises in their subsconscious- some people feel things, others see images arising in their inner minds eye, others may just find it deeply relaxing. Inner dance has often been described as a type of shamanic journeying.

Gentle touch, smells and other sounds are played to activate this inner journey.Come and open the door to another world inside.

Benefits include a shift of perspective, greater awareness and an understanding that we are so much more than we often believe.

Check here for more information;

It is possible to choose to do just one of the events or truly deepen your experience by doing both.

The event begins at 6.30 with an introduction to TRE and an opportunity to experience this powerful tension relieving exercise for yourself. We will then dive into the Inner Dance.

The cost for both events is £45. Spaces are limited and those wishing to do both events will be given priority. Please contact me here to reserve your spot.

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