All is always okay

Hands holding the sun

Can you open to all of who you are?
To your sadness, your loneliness, your grief; to your anger, rage and frustration?
Can you be with it all without needing to push it away, fix it, drown it in alcohol, numb it with drugs or escape into dislocated spiritual realms?

Can you accept your neediness, your vulnerability and know it’s also who you are.
That you don’t have to be strong all the time, be competent and capable.
You’ve had a lifetime of living this, of proving yourself
And its sucked the joy and vitality out of your life leaving you dissatisfied, exhausted, depressed and numb.
It’s time for something else.
Time to take off the masks.
Dare to expose our most vulnerable selves.
Dare to be real.
Dare to show all of who you are.
Yes, there’s fear.
Fear that you’re not enough, you’re defective, unlovable
You’ll be rejected, laughed at, pitied
But what if this place of vulnerability is actually your doorway through to something else?
To a world where you connect deeply, wholly, authentically.
Where by being real there’s nothing else to fear
Because who you really are, away from the games of proving, of craving acceptance, of needing love, can never be hurt
Because when you can trust yourself enough to be with whatever happens, when your anchor lies inside yourself
Then all the waves can be ridden
All is always okay
Because when you know deep down inside of you that you’re a part of everything that is-
You can just let go and breathe.
You’re okay and always have been and always will be

All is okay.