If only you knew…

If only you knew that the tear in your heart, the place that hurts so much
that you do anything you can to avoid it, to numb it to pretend it’s not there;
the place that you cover over with bravado, with anger, the place that you pour alcohol and drugs into;
the place that wakes you up at 3am every morning and leaves you tossing and turning…
If only you knew that if you spent just a moment to approach this place rather than run away;
if you took a deep breath and with trembling knees and knocking heart stood absolutely still and looked and then slowly looked again;
You would see that the tear in your heart opens the gate to a place beyond.
Beyond the hurt and the pain. Beyond the you and the me.
A place where by looking and being still;
Broken hearts are never broken, simply made bigger and wider and deeper,
The cracking lets more light in.
A place where by diving into your once fears you meet your biggest self, your truest self, the self that knows- you can never be broken and you never needed fixing or mending.
The place that sings and purrs in pure satisfaction of all that is, of all of you, of all of life.
If only you knew.