From The Mud The Lotus – Transforming Obstacles into Growth2019-11-19T08:54:05+00:00


All of us face challenges and difficulties in our lives- and yet what if these moments are the “mud” from which our very own lotus can grow?

Samina Khan, counsellor and therapist

I believe in the alchemy of everyday life – the ability to discover the gold in difficult and painful moments.

Samina Khan, counsellor and therapist

In these pages I offer my own alchemical potions – both in the services that I provide and in the writings that pour from my heart.

May these pages  provide a new way of seeing and soothe you on your way.

My name is Samina Khan. I am an explorer and navigator of the human condition. For more than twenty years I have immersed myself within the study of psychology, spirituality and therapy. My journey has always sought to include a full mind, body and spiritual dimension and to this end I have trained as  a Transpersonal therapist, Life-Coach, DanceMandala facilitator, TRE provider, Self-Compassion coach, Inner Dance facilitator and my journey continues.

If you would like to receive my latest poems and writings then please subscribe here:

My Services

If you are looking to expand your potential, move towards your dreams, release past hurts and trauma I invite you to explore my website and contact me with any questions you might have.

My Services

If you are looking to expand your potential, move towards your dreams, release past hurts and trauma I invite you to explore my website and contact me with any questions you might have.

My Services

If you are looking to expand your potential, move towards your dreams, release past hurts and trauma I invite you to explore my website and contact me with any questions you might have.


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